Evolve Battery Storage

Evolve is providing battery storage solutions to energy intensive businesses in Alberta, to help them save on electricity costs and improve reliability.

Battery storage solutions for industrial and commercial consumers in Alberta

Evolve is providing battery storage solutions for energy intensive businesses in Alberta to help lower power bills and increase reliability. We’re also supplying renewable energy generators with battery storage solutions to help them increase revenue and improve output reliability.

Our team of experts understands the uniqueness of the Alberta power market and works with each client to understand how energy storage can support their business. We work to create the perfect solution for each client’s needs, match them with the right battery solution, and customize the install on site.

Evolve has created an easy-to-follow process that allows our clients to take advantage of the benefits of battery storage without the challenges of handling the development, construction, financing,  and ongoing operation themselves. Evolve handles the headaches while our clients profit from the rewards.

Our Clients

Evolve provides battery storage solutions to industrial and commercial consumers and renewable energy generators in Alberta. We handle the complexity of the power market and optimize the battery’s operation to maximize the value it provides you.

Industrial & Commercial Consumers

Evolve’s battery storage solutions unlock multiple stackable revenue streams for industrial and commercial consumers that help lower power costs.

Reduce Electricity & Wire Tariff Costs

Integrating energy storage on-site can materially reduce the delivered cost of electricity without disrupting your site’s operations.

Earn New Revenue Streams

On-site energy storage can create new revenue streams by providing a share of ancillary service revenues or fixed fees for hosting the storage asset.

Improve Your Site’s Electrical Reliability

If your site experiences common, temporary disruptions to your grid service, on-site battery storage provides back-up electricity to enhance your grid connection.

Replace Diesel Generation

Battery storage can replace diesel generation or work in a hybrid configuration with diesel generators to reduce your site’s emissions intensity without sacrificing reliability.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy generators can only supply power when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. Our battery storage solutions help tackle this problem, and others.

Unlock New Revenue Streams

Evolve’s on-site storage can earn value from ancillary services, fast frequency response, or other revenue streams.

Mitigate The Risk of Curtailed Output

On-site storage can absorb and shift renewable output when it may otherwise be curtailed due to transmission network congestion, supply surplus, or other reasons, ensuring you don’t lose out on production.

Earn Premium Pricing

Storage can absorb renewable generation when prices are low and shift it to periods when prices are higher, earning you more revenue and providing more reliable output.

Utilize Equipment to the Fullest

Energy storage can share your interconnection infrastructure, site footprint, and in some cases use your clipped DC solar PV output, maximizing the benefit you get from your investments.

Book Your Introductory Meeting

To start the process, we’ll set an introductory meeting to understand your interest and needs, reviewing the following benefits of battery storage:

  • Reduce energy commodity costs
  • Reduce energy delivery costs (wires tariff costs)
  • Improve reliability of electricity supply
  • Unlock multiple stackable revenue streams
  • Earn premium pricing by storing renewable production when prices are low and shifting it to times when prices are high
  • Capture and monetize curtailed renewable energy output
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